Legal Regulation Of The Entry Visa (Visa) Through The Entrances Of The Kurdistan Region
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In international private relations the quest is for the duties and rights of foreign people in state laws. In Iraqi Laws, for this issue, we must refer to the current applied laws that are approved by central government / the Council of Representatives of Iraq. Indeed, currently, these laws cannot be applied roughly because they are issued a long time ago and the political power and situation are changed. Due to these change these laws are not compatible with current situation as the country relations with other countries are opened in many sectors such as: tourism, Education, commerce and Health. This opening made more foreign people to come to Iraq. Hence a change in foreign residence laws (No. 118, year 1978 - amended) is necessary. In this paper, the electronic visa and legal actions of the Kurdistan regional government for the foreign people that are coming to Kurdistan region through the Kurdistan regional government ports are discussed in detail in accordance to regulation No (7) - year 2017 – issued by the Kurdistan Ministry of Interior.