The Effect Of Role-Playing Method In Human Rights On The Achievement And Social Interaction Development In Students In The Fifth Basic Level
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This study aimed to find out the effect of role-playing on the achievement and social interaction development in teaching human rights to fifth graders students. The researchers used quasi-experimental method with a backward test for academic achievement, with the pretest and post-test for social interaction. The sample of the research consisted of (44) students equalized in some of the variables. An academic achieving test was prepared, consists of (50) items. The researchers found the validity and the reliability of the test by using coefficient equation of (Kuder-Richardson Formula (20)) which reached (0.87), beside they found the psychometric characteristic of the test. In order to measure the social interaction, the researchers prepared an Instrument. After founding the validity and the reliability by using Cronbach Alpha, which reached (0.81), (23) items were remained. The experiment was conducted in first study course of the academic year (2013-2014). And lasted for 10 weeks. The results showed that the Role-playing method has a positive effect on the academic achievement and the social interaction of the fifth grade students at the basic school in the subject (Human Rights). After interpreting and analyzing the results the researcher presented some recommendations and suggestions.