The Liguistic Roots Of Quranic Pronuciation With Their Meaning
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This paper is about linking the linguistic roots of Quranic pronunciation with their meaning. Each letter in Holy Quran has its own connotation and the divine letters at the beginning of some surats in Quran confirm that and they are recited separately. Some of them come in separate and independent` verses and have great secrets that only God know them. The pronunciation and recitation of Quran embody meaning and turn them into scenes, though they are hidden and it is difficult for the readers to distinguish the pronunciation from the meaning – for its symbolism and inference – the pronunciation of the holy Quran is dependent on the position, the vocalization, its beat and meaning. To shed light on them, the material is ordered alphabetically and they are seven words. Throughout this paper, it is concluded that the pronunciation of Quran is not irrelevant to the original meaning of the linguistic roots of the constituents.