A Study on Microbial Population under the Effect of some Pesticides in Different Soil Orders and Moisture Contents

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Nashmeel Saeed Khudhur, Abdul-ghany Omer Ismaeel Sarmamy


The present study was designed to determine the effects of glyphosate, mancozeb and ‎diazinon with three different soil orders and two soil moisture contents and their ‎combinations on some soil microbial population in a pot experiment. The main results ‎obtained at the last periods (4th and 5th samplings) of the study demonstrated as: glyphosate ‎showed significant decrease in total actinomycetes and increased total bacteria, proteolytic ‎bacteria and fungi. Mancozeb significantly decreased proteolytic bacteria and fungi. ‎Diazinon significantly increased total bacteria and proteolytic bacteria. Agholan soil showed ‎the greatest reduction in proteolytic bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes. Debaga soil ‎significantly increased proteolytic bacteria. Girdarasha soil increased proteolytic bacteria, ‎fungi and actinomycetes. 50% soil moisture content revealed significant increase in total ‎bacteria and proteolytic bacteria. 100% soil moisture content showed significant increase in ‎actinomycetes. The interaction between P1S2 increased total bacteria and actinomycetes. ‎The interaction P1S3 increased proteolytic bacteria and fungi. The combination P2S3 caused ‎significant reduction in fungi and actinomycetes. The combination P2S2 revealed significant ‎reduction in fungi and actinomycetes. The interaction P2S3 showed the greatest increase in ‎proteolytic bacteria. The combination P3S1 reduced actinomycetes. The interaction P3S2 ‎increased total bacteria and proteolytic bacteria. The combination P3S3 increased ‎proteolytic bacteria. The combination CS1 showed decreasing effect on proteolytic bacteria; ‎CS2 showed decreasing effect on total proteolytic bacteria; CS3 increased actinomycetes and ‎decreased proteolytic bacteria. The combination P1W1 increased total bacteria and fungi, ‎whereas P1W2 increased actinomycetes and proteolytic bacteria. The combination CW2 ‎reduced proteolytic bacteria and actinomycetes. The interaction S1W1 decreased fungi, ‎whereas, S1W2 reduced total bacteria and fungi. The interaction S3W1increased total ‎bacteria; the interaction S3W2 caused the highest increasing in actinomycetes. The ‎combinations: P1S2W1 increased total bacteria and actinomycetes; P1S2W2 increased ‎actinomycetes; P1S3W1 increased total bacteria and fungi. The interaction P2S3W2 ‎increased actinomycetes. The interactions: CS3W1 caused significant increase in ‎actinomycetes; and CS3W2 showed significant increase in actinomycetes.‎

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