Job Satisfaction with KAU Professors and its ‎Relationship to Self Efficacy

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Bahat Abdulrazzaq Saeed


The teaching process requires the ability of the teacher in his work . any weakness, whether in the educational or psychological aspect will negatively affect the whole process of teaching. The main perpose of this research is to inform the teachers on the satisfaction of their teaching profession and their effectiveness in teaching performance and the relationship between the two cases . The research was based on a descriptive method to detecting the variables. The researcher chose the models of (50) person of Koya University's academic staff. The researcher found a range of results, including that the satisfaction of the teachers with their profession statistical evidence, while the level of selfefficacy indicators are not statistical, and that the relationship between selfefficacy of teachers and satisfaction with their profession is a weak relationship. The researcher suggests to conduct a similar research according to the years of service on a wide range Teachers and in other universities.

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